Friday, November 4, 2016

28 Weeks!! 3rd Trimester!!

"Woohoo! Third trimester, baby!

Your baby is around 16 inches long and 2.5 pounds so pick up a random Chihuahua on the street to get an idea of what you’re dealing with. Yo quiero Taco Bell!

Have you thought about pictures yet? This was how pregnant Demi Moore was when she did her Vanity Fair cover that blew everyone’s mind and has been copied by every other Hollywood mother since.

You don’t have to get all artsy and naked if you don’t want to, but it’s kinda cool to document your pregnancy even if it’s just taking a couple of snaps yourself. Even if you’re not feeling that pretty, do it because you can’t go back if you regret not documenting it down the road.

You can find some creative ways to capture your bump
here and here.

If you’re looking for a good giggle from some rather “unique” ways other people have immortalized their pregnancies, you can find them
here and here.

Happy snappin’" -
Pregnant Chicken

Size/Info: Our gal is about 15 inches long and weighs in at around 2.2 lbs (all the sites have different measurements). She is the size of a large eggplant, a rollerblade, a one lb basket of wings, or an even larger  head of cauliflower. Her newly opened eyes are sensitive to sunlight and with direct sunlight on the belly, she may see a glow. She also has a pair of eyelashes to go along with those opening and closing eyes. At this point, she begins to experience REM sleep so it is very likely that she is also dreaming... but about what I wonder?

What's new this week?  I had my 28 week appointment yesterday and my belly was measuring 28 1/2 weeks big! Jason was finally able to come to an appointment with the midwife so I was happy that he got to meet her. I also received my orders for my next Glucose test (yuck!) but I did get a handy sheet with alternatives to the nasty drink (yay!). She checked the baby's position by palpating my belly and determined that she is head down. Now let's hope she stays that way.

This past weekend, Jason and I moved all the hand me downs out of the nursery so we can slowly start putting it back - organized. I worked on the cover for the glider (while watching the Bronco's win) but it is still not finished - but it's really close. Jason put together this inexpensive TV stand we got from Ikea that is a perfect bookshelf/table for her room. He says that we have effectively maximized the small space we have to work with. He is going to work on the shelves for the closet this weekend and then we can put everything away!

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, horrible back pain, intense acid reflux. Also, all the moles on my body have grown and I have quite a few new skin tags (they are tiny but I can feel them). I seem to be getting pretty tired again on a regular basis. I usually have big plans for sewing or organizing after work but little seems to be getting done. I just don't have the energy. Also, lots of weird sensations - I just assume everything is normal. And of course the never-ending night-time peeing. This is seriously the night-time peeing situation.

Food Aversions: Nothing new. But I am over taco's for the moment.

Food Cravings: I know I always talk about sugar and that is a given but I also drink milk often. I usually have a glass in the middle of the night, and usually one or twice more during the day. It probably is only about 14-20 oz a day but that is way more than I ever drank.

Fitness: I have been doing yoga at home 2-4x a week and tonight is my official pre-natal yoga class. I am really looking forward to it! Taking a few short neighborhood walks. I am so much better about getting out for walks when Jason is home in the evenings.

Bump: The comments on the bump are non-stop now. Today I was asked how close I was to my due date and then told I was going to be HUGE by the time I delivered. I also keep getting asked if this is my second (as that would explain my huge belly). Seriously people - I am not measuring that big! And I really love my bump and how I look. My thighs are huge but they need to be so I can carry around this baby in my belly!

7:30am: 7mg prednisone (down one more mg), 40mg Lovonox injection in the belly
9am: 1 Prenatal and 2 DHA
7:30pm: 40mg Lovonox injection in the belly

Baby Preparations: Other than getting the nursery together, we are just waiting for our birthing classes to start at the end of the month. We are having the baby shower at our house so it gives me a good goal to shoot for to have everything organized. Here are a few pics of the nursery... We painted the glider and the dresser and I am in the process of recovering the chair (Obviously I have not finished the back cushion). We don't have any of the artwork yet and the daybed quilt will be different  - a white and light pastel.  I still need to hang the curtains too...

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