Friday, September 11, 2015

Seven is my favorite number

About 3 weeks ago, after we found out that we didn't have an embryo for our last cycle, we had a meeting with the doc to make plans for the following cycle. We discussed using donor oocytes as the number of eggs I've been producing has been quite low. They clinic has frozen oocytes that can be unthawed and fertilized with Jason's sperm so we went through the list and selected the best donor with 6 available oocytes - she had a compatible blood type, somewhat similar height/weight, with brown hair and green eyes. We decided that we would do a blended cycle where I would do another medicated cycle and we would transfer one of my eggs and one of the donor eggs. There is a lower success rate with frozen oocytes but it gives us the opportunity for a blended transfer. So, after that meeting we got the meds for the cycle and headed out on holiday with our friend, Todd.

After a week of the stimulation injections and returning to Prague after a world-wind vacation, we went in on day 8 for our ultrasound to see how the follicles were looking and I had SEVEN follicles!!! We have never seen more than 2 follicles on our ultrasound. We are so excited and hopeful for this cycle. It must  have been the waters of Luscice bay on Hvar island in Croatia that is known to have fertility powers.

 In the past we have retrieved the eggs on day 10 but this cycle I am staying on meds longer so all the follicles can mature. That means that on Monday, day 13 of my cycle, we will retrieve the eggs and fertilize them along with the donor eggs. As long as we have 2 of our own embryo's then we will transfer only those. If we have less than 2 of our own then we will add in a donor embryo. Either way we are really excited for this cycle. 

I do have to say that I'm scared to transfer a donor embryo. I have so many different feelings surrounding this part of the process... I really want to be a mother and I am thrilled that we have this option. But I still have random thoughts like what if when the child finds out about the donor eggs (as we are being completely transparent with this process) that he/she will hate me. Or worse, what if I feel differently than I should as a parent. Logically, I know that it will all work out just fine and I'll be a great mother to any child but that doesn't meant that these thoughts don't cross my mind and keep me awake some nights. Mostly though, we are so thrilled and I really feel like this cycle will be the one. We will know more on Tuesday as far as how many eggs fertilized and when the transfer will likely occur so stay tuned and send us your love!

xo -katherine


  1. Your baby will grow right under your heart. It won't ever doubt that you love him or her. Except when it's 12 and thinks you're an idiot. And even then, not really. Sounds exciting and hopeful!

  2. I have an daughter who we adopted. She is as precious to me as any of the birth children. The only time I remember I did not give birth to her is when I remember I was never pregnant with her. Your body will nourish and cherish your baby wether he/she (they) is/are biologically related to you or not. You were one of the young women who taught me it is easy to love a child that is not biological mine but mine in every way that counts. You will love, love, love any baby you have.

    1. Thank you Kimi!! I know it's true. Big hugs. XOXO

  3. But, I do understand the thoughts and it is good you give them their due so you can move on.

  4. Seven could be the middle name! The Beckhams did that. Very chick.
