Monday, May 23, 2016

81, 295, 891

81 = First hCG beta at 8dp5dt (8 days past 5 day transfer (age of embryo))

295 = Second beta at 10dp5dt

891= Third beta at 12dp5dt

What do those numbers mean? Well, for starters, I am pregnant!  hCG usually doubles every 48-72 hours and my current doubling time is ~30hrs. So that is good news. I am excited but cautiously so.

I first took a HPT (home pregnancy test) on May 15 at 5dp5dt (basically 10days past what would have been ovulation - which is really early to test) and there was a squinter - meaning that I could barely see it. I described it to Jason as looking at the sky and seeing a star out of the corner of you eye but then trying to look directly at it and not being able to see it. That is what the first test was like. So of course I went and bought another test that was more sensitive and held my pee for as long as possible and there was definitely something there. I have seen so many negative HPTs that I knew that any hint of a line meant something. I tested each day until my first beta and the line continued to get darker. I stopped testing for peace of mind because I had a few freak-out moments where I wasn't sure if the line was darker. My dear friend Jessica came to visit me and thankfully she was able to reassure me. What a life- saver having her there.

So now, I can keep testing my hCG to see that the numbers rise appropriately but I am not sure I want keep checking. Part of me wants to just believe that it is all going to work out. I have the best OB in the world and she offered to have me come in early for an ultrasound but I don't want to go in until 7 weeks when we will be sure to see something. June 9th is when I'll be 7 weeks I'll wait until then to go in for the ultrasound to see the heartbeat and if there are one or two babies taking up residence in my uterus.

As far as symptoms - it is hard to tell if I am tired due to jet lag or pregnancy but I am definitely very tired in the afternoons. My boobs are sore and I have had a little indigestion and I am definitely peeing a lot more. Today I have a horrible taste in my mouth. I have been feeling jittery for the last week and I am not sure what that is about so I had my blood pressure checked and it was a little high for me at 102/67 as normally I have VERY low blood pressure. Otherwise I totally feel normal. I am only 4weeks 4days pregnant so it is still really early to feel much of anything. Trying to remain positive and really believe that this time it will all be ok. It is really early to announce but as I have been blogging through the whole process I wanted to continue to do so. We are not announcing it on FaceBook or anything like that just yet but for those loyal blog readers, you get to find out early!

As of now, the due date is Jan 26, 2017, which is Jason's 40th birthday!! I am sure it will change but who knows!!

Thank you for the continued support. I really really appreciate all the love.


  1. Loooove the due date! How exciting! We are rooting for you every minute of the day. Take it easy and relax. Let yourself enjoy the peace and quite of your sweet home while you have it.

  2. That is such great news!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and all of you in my prayers.

  3. Delighted!! Keep us posted and sending you a trillion positive vibes x

    1. Thanks Victoria! I will take all trillion of those positive vibes!! :-)

  4. Kate - I've been following along silently on this journey and been praying for you and sending positive, sticky baby thoughts :) I was so happy to read this most recent post!! Will continue to pray and send positive vibes your way!!

  5. Kelly - that is so sweet of you. Thank you for the prayers and sticky baby thoughts and continued support. It really means so much.

  6. So excited for you!!! This is it. You deserve it. Live your way and waiting for January!

  7. So excited for you!!! This is it. You deserve it. Live your way and waiting for January!

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  11. So happy for you! This is it!
