Friday, September 23, 2016

22 Weeks!!

"Guess who’s about the size of a Barbie doll? Hint: it isn’t you. Yep, your baby is about the length of a Barbie but it weighs about a pound and doesn’t have big tits and unachievable body proportions. Although, your baby does have real eyebrows and eyelashes now, which is more than we can say for Barbie – suck on that, doll.

We’re going to take care of some gross issues today: vaginal discharge and belly buttons. I know, exciting.

First up, vaginal discharge. I believe scientists thought long and hard to come up with the most disgusting sounding name for the milky white vaginal discharge that often comes along with pregnancy, and I think they did it with the term “leukorrhea”. I believe it is supposed to combine the Greek terms for “light” and “flow”, but to me, it just sounds like the noise a cat makes before throwing up, morphed with the word diarrhea. I doubt if they’ll change medical text books just because I think something sounds gross so I’ll just press on.

As for your belly button, has it popped? This happens to some women and doesn’t happen to others. Some women don’t care, other women are driven nuts by it. It’s no surprise that it’s caused by your uterus pushing forward, but take comfort in knowing that it will go back to normal after you deliver. If you aren’t looking to own this look, some suggestions are belly bands, high maternity pants (so the band covers the button), band aids or duct tape (duct tape sounded painful to me but I’m listing it because it came up quite a bit). There’s also a product called
Popper Stopper that sounds like they do the trick too." - Pregnant Chicken

Size/Info: The babe is measuring in at about 11 inches and she is officially ONE lb. (According to our growth scan this week) She is developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums and her eyes have formed but the irises still lack color. She is a little wrinkly thing but that will go away once she puts on some fat. Her nervous system is sharpening her senses, which means her fingers are learning to grab her tiny ears, nose and umbilical cord.

What is new this week? We had a growth scan on Wednesday with Maternal Fetal Medicine. She is measuring about 3 days ahead still, woot woot! And she is officially 1 lb 2 oz. We got to see her give us a thumbs up and then suck her thumb for a moment on the 3-d ultrasound. She is also still in the breach position but Dr. Gagnon said that she should flip around 32-34 weeks. She is quite the mover and I have come to expect to feel her move after certain situations - like after eating, or right when I lay down, or if I drink a big glass of cold water. Jason has undoubtedly felt her move and you can see it from the outside now. As she is in the breach position, she has taken to kicking my cervix - what a weird sensation...
Thumbs up!

I think the spine pictures are so amazing!

She's a thumb sucker!
This past weekend, Jason tackled organizing all his tools in the garage and I helped out. It is not done yet but there have been MAJOR improvements! I also processed maybe 6 dozen peaches on Saturday. They were free from a co-worker and will be used in smoothies for many months to come! And I can't believe I haven't mentioned this yet but we are pretty excited that football is back on! GO BRONCOS!! We do not plan on having the TV on while our little one is awake -- except for Broncos football! I have such fond memories of watching football with my dad.

Symptoms: I pee so many time a night it is ridiculous!! I still have horrible acid reflux and my feet cramp easily. My back is killing me - so much that I made an appointment with a chiropractor that specializes in pre-natal chiropractic care. This past week my hormones have been on a whole new level. I have cried so many times.

Food aversions:  Onions still and red sauce.

Food cravings: Can you guess?!? Yep, I want all the sweets in the world. My weight is on track, so I guess I am resisting the temptation enough.

Fitness: Hiking and neighborhood walking. I was thinking that I need to get back in the pool and that might help my back too. I did go to a yoga class this week and totally over-did it! My uterus felt so sore the next day and that sent me into a panic where I proceeded to cry in my boss's office (she is a nurse). Anyway, I feel better now and after the talk with my boss and the nurse at my midwife's office. My boss was really sweet and even called and checked on me last night. I guess I need to stick to pre-natal yoga.

Bump: It is getting bigger and bigger! This picture is not my favorite... I looked at it after Jason took it and said some not nice things about myself. Jason made sure to tell me that I am beautiful and look fabulous. Seriously, best husband ever.

Love that sweet look on Willie Nelson's face.

7:30am: 10mg prednisone, 40mg Lovonox injection in the belly
9am: 1 Prenatal and 2 DHA
7:30pm: 40mg Lovonox injection in the belly

Baby Preparations: This past weekend, I also went through all the hand me downs we have received and organized them into totes. I have some good leads on dressers so I am going to search for once this weekend. I also got a really cute set of sheets for the twin bed and trundle from Target and I think that it might have prompted me into a "Woodland theme" for the nursery. We'll see how that develops. I found this print that I really want a copy of for the nursery but they are no longer selling them. The Red Hot Chili Peppers used it for their most recent album cover and the backdrop reminds me of Prague with all the graffiti. It is by Kevin Peterson and entitled coalition ii

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